1 – Abbas K. A. (2004) Framework for Assessing Traffic Impacts Generated by Mega Complexes: A Case Study of San Stefano Grand Plaza in Egypt. Journal of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Vol. 22, No. (4), pp. 311-325.Beech Tree Publishing, UK.
This paper develops a generic framework of the process involved in conducting traffic impact assessment (TIA) for mega-complexes, applies it to a real world unique project and derives lessons of use in similar situations. The process involves surveys and analysis of present traffic and pedestrian circulation systems, and parking and transit conditions, to establish current levels of services, traffic problems and issues. Projections are made of the normal growth in traffic and generated demand, as a result of proposed developments and land-use changes. Future expected levels of services are determined and compared for the with-project and without-project scenarios, taking into account other expected traffic issues, such as pedestrian, parking, safety, and environmental problems. Finally, ways of mitigating adverse effects are explored and assessed. The suggested TIA process is applied to San Stefano grand plaza, Alexandria, Egypt.
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